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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jimmy Justice To Be Featured On MSNBC

Jimmy Justice will be featured this Sunday night June 29th at 10pm Eastern time on the MSNBC special : Caught On Camera- 'The Video Vigilantes'.

Here is a link to a short preview.


Anonymous said...

GO JIMMY JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching your special. Good for you!! GO JIMMY!

badboyz said...

Yeah, I just watched it too. I applaud what he's doing. I think I'm the same way. But why is he only going after the BLACK officers?

After viewing MSNBC, I've concluded that he's a bully and a racist.

Anonymous said...

i just saw you on msnbc and i have to say YOU ARE THE MAN! its about time someone hit the streets with proper means to show the police an even playing field. they treat civilains with contempt and disdain on a similar if not more powerful level than you can treat them with for commiting the EXACT SAME VIOLATIONS. what you are doing is heroic and should be given much more attention by law enforcement entities across these united states. i also hope you inspire people across the nation to bring the same accountability to the "peace officers" of all of our local and state governments.

Anonymous said...

You are playing with the fire man!!! it's fun to watch your videos but the cops are not to be sneezed at. they are the legal mafia. when they'll have enouph of you they will get rid of you and let it look like an accident. watch yourself!

Anonymous said...

I see where your going here, I mean it's not right that police think they can bend the law they're supposed to uphold. But trust me in New York, one day your going to run into some cops that are just a tad more corrupt than those illegal parkers,and I seriously doubt that your camera will be able to save you from that one.

Anonymous said...

How exactly are you a vigilante? You don't break any laws I know of in any of the videos you posted on YouTube. Last time I checked "name calling" wasn't a crime.

Anonymous said...

Great job! Keep up the good work.

Now, if someone would just take a camera into another public place, the county courtroom. You would find a hornet's nest of injustice done to good parents everyday...

Anonymous said...

Jimmy where are you at? I wished that I had the guts that you have. But there have not been any posts for some time now... where are you Jimmy Justice? Please be careful out there, we need you!

Anonymous said...

I also agree that you are not breaking any laws by video taping cops who break the laws. But I wonder if someone will hurt you one day somehow. Be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

Your an ass. How dare you think you are doing a public service, and then claiming that the public is thanking you for your videos. Get a frickin clue, and a life for that matter. Obviously you have not contributed in the slightest to the society you live in. The societly that public servants have created for you, and do so each day. I hope that someday you have an emergency requiring government assistance and when they show up to help, they recognized you and just drive away... that would be true justice. Hope that I don't ever run into you in real life. That camera of yours will be destroyed, and don 't expect me to buy you a new one, like you had the department of education bought for you. No wonder our education system is broke, from jackasses like you. MSNBC's Caught on Tape series of you is definitley the fame you were hoping for, except I truly don't believe your viewers are the majority of America. If so, then America is in a worse position than I had previously thought.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up. I hope you get somewere with the NYPD.

Anonymous said...

I'm a cop. I carry a radio. I cannot possibly count the number of meals I have left on restaurant tables as I have had to respond to urgent calls. Do you really want to have your officers parking two blocks away from the convience store where they go to grab a soda, then getting that hot call and having to run back to their vehicle to roll Code 3? Jimmy is a moron who seems primarily to pick on black women in uniform.

Anonymous said...

Hey mr. justice just saw you on MSNBC.... you know what would be great to add to your video diaries? SOME WHITE OFFICERS! Awww let me guess, you got a ticket once from a black officer and now you want revenge? Maybe you're just fed up and trying to keep black people in their place....Get over it and get a life

Anonymous said...

Is every City Employee and Traffic Enforcement Officer Black or Brown in New York City ? I don't think so. Why were you just filming minorities.

Anonymous said...

About the kkk. You genetically inferior menallly deficient dirtball. Have you lost your mind,? How is it that you can disrespect a mans ehtnicity when you know weve influencer nearly every aspect of white america...from our music to our style of dress. Not to mention your basic imitation of our sense of cool; walk, talk, dress, mannerisms...we enrich your very existance. All the while contibuting to the gross national product through our achievements in corporatE Americ. It's these Conceits that comfort me when I am confronted with the ignorant, cowardly, bitter and biggoted who have no talent, no guts. Its people like you- continued-

Anonymous said...

Continued fom above-----
It's people like you who desecrate things they don't understand when the truth is, you should say thank-you and go on about your way. Appearently you are incapable of doing that!

Anonymous said...

He's seems to have a problem ONLY with minorities and Women... I was trying to find where he was going after White Males...Nope...nothing... Any cop not following the rules should be put on blast.. But watching Jimmy, with his obnoxious ass, is easy to tell he's just an asshole that has mommy issues and are ONLY targeting a certain demographic of Officers... Get the White Males also...Or are you scared? He knows a white male officer would whoop his ass, while he's recording.. Most of his videos are of him being all up in their face, yelling, provoking them...but all i could say, watching it...was how it must be nice to be white and male in this world. Sad to see the minority officers handle him differently than anyone else...That's some privilege for that ass if i ever seen any.